Presentations 2012

Plenary session.

  1. Nikita Lomagin - Russia in a System of Global Governance.
  2. Kari Liuhto - The Finnish-Russian Economic Relations at a New Level after Russia's WTO Accession?
  3. Albrecht Soelnner - The WTO and the Institutional Environment of Business.
  4. Vlasta Macku - Academic Capacity Building on Trade for Development: Experience of the UNCTAD Virtual Institute.
  5. David Collins - Russia's Accession Reinforces WTO: The Implications of Russia's Accession. 
Session 1. Trade and development.
  1. Marc Auboin - Use of Currencies in International Trade.
  2. Tadzio Schilling - Beyond WTO Accession: Perspectives for Swiss-Russian Economic Relations. 
  3. Tancrede Voituriez - An Asessment of WTO Rules Adequacy With the Empirical Requirements of a Low-Carbon Economy.
  4. Peter Reusch, Petra Oesterwinter - Harmonizing the Classifications of Commodities to Support International Trade and E-commerce.
  5. Yuriy Zaytsev - The Issues of Commodity Price Volatility in BRICS Countries' Trade Policy.
  6. Ludmila Bandevica, Laura Stikane - Asessment of Competitiveness of the Latvian Goods Export within the EU.
Session 2. Global governance in the face of new challenges.
  1. Vadim Kapustkin - Reforming the International Monetary System and Global Trade Development.
Session 3. National economies in global trading system.
  1. Pascal Zhelev - Industrial Policy under Conditions of EU Membership - Case of Bulgaria.
  2. Emils Pulmanis - Polycentric Development Projects Social-Economical Analysis in Latvia.
Session 4. Modern imperatives of international business.
  1. Sergey Kadochnikov, Anna Fedyunina -  Economic Grwoth Due to Export Externalities: A Spatial Economic Analysis for Russian Regions, 2003-2008.
Doctoral tutorial 1. International economic relations, law, global governance.